Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Dr Susanna loves the countries and the peoples of Africa

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Susanna سوسانه

Susanna. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2014 v8n1 p0105

I was not born Susanna. My mother, Dr Patience, gave birth to 2 boys 12 months and 24 months before me, I guess she was too exhausted to think of a name. She gave me the number 1 name in Britain, Susan. Dr Patience gave birth to 2 boys after me, she never had another chance to name a girl.

I know when I was getting ready to name my own daughter, my mother told me not to name her Patience and reeled off all the names she had been hanging on to for decades. Yselt was her favorite. I called my mother within 30 minutes of my daughter's birth, "Patience is here." How could I not name my daughter after my fierce, fearless, strong mother. I am a Patience sandwich.

When I was in school in Australia, approximately 25% of my class-mates were named Susan. The others mostly had a 2nd name of Susan, or a sister named Susan. The original parents spelled it Suzanne or Susanne; but it was all basically Susan. However, I had an escape. My father had in his study a big red Bible which included all the stories from the Bible, including that of Susanna. I loved how Susanna was falsely accused and saved by angels. That sounded like me.

And so from the age of 14 I tried to get people around me to call me Susanna. In the decades since, it has mostly worked. Except when I am back in Sydney. Where I am either called Dodgie or Sue. My mother never gave in: to her, I was always Susan. I miss the warrior woman who named me.

Oh Susanna, 2nd Carolina String Band
Oh Susanna, I am crazy loving you
Rex Lawson songs, including Susana
Suzanne, Leonard Cohen
Susannas in the news. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2016 v10n1 p0514

This week has been a banner week for like-named women.

First, Susannah Mushaat Jones died. She was the last North American born in the 19th Century, and she died in Brooklyn at 116. 

Her grandmother was a descendant of kidnapped and enslaved Africans, who outlived the worst of her oppression. But not all. Miss Susannah too outlived a lot of oppression. But not all.

Superlongevity is always a surprise, and always the person who has outlived everyone else is asked why they have lived so long. The only real answer is that they never stopped breathing. 

Well done Miss Susannah, who led a quiet life, taking care of children, and adults, until one day, she stopped breathing.

And tonight a singer from Ukraine known as Jamala won the Eurovision contest. Except that is not her real name, which is Susana. And she is one of the directly wronged citizens of Ukraine, a Crimean Tatar whose ancestors were forced out of Crimea by Stalin. The song that won her the competition was about this wrong. Well done Susana. Well done Jamala.
Wake up little Susie, Everly Brothers
Handel's Sacred Oratorio in 3 parts: Susanna
Sad song for Susan, written by Bobby Sands, who starved himself to death during his nonviolent protest in Belfast, the city where Dr Patience (my mother) was born.
Song for Susan, Mickey Newbury

Mozart - Susanna's Aria from "Le Nozze di Figaro" The New Dutch Academy